Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Causes of Stomach Ulcer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Causes of Stomach Ulcer - Research Paper Example It is a common convention that people didn’t identify the features of stomach ulcer until it becomes acute. Early discovery and remedy can secure one from intensified pain even death.   The objective of this research is the examinations of distinctive factors of stomach ulcers, it symptoms, diagnose, and experimental method involved in the case studies. It is believed, H. pyloric and NSAIDs are the potential risk factor behind stomach ulcer;  it interrupts the  stomach’s ability of covering itself from the perilous effect of stomach acids. Therefore, the sensitive layer of a stomach becomes  approachable for the stomach  acid, consequences in stomach ulcer. Introduction The most dilated and important constituent of the digestive system is stomach. It is situated in the midst of the esophagus and small intestine, i.e. in the epigastric, umbilical and left hypochondriac regions of the abdomen. However, due to the property of exact position and shape of the stoma ch is undefined (A). The primary functions of the stomach include; storage of foods and to form chyme by breaking it down with the aid enzymatic effect of pepsin and peptidase. Stomach ulcers (SU) and stomach cancer are the most prevalent diseases of a stomach. Stomach ulcers also known as peptic ulcer, it is the disease of elder people specially men. SU is opening sores in the lining of upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and usually occur due to acidity. Gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers are the two type of stomach ulcer. The difference between them lies in the affected area, i.e. location of the ulcer. Those ulcers which are present in a stomach are referred as gastric ulcers, whereas duodenal ulcers are present at the duodenum the beginning of a small intestine. Position of ulcer and its magnified cross section is depicted in the Figure 1. Statistician predicts more than 25 million will suffer through a peptic ulcer, and if it remains untreated. SU may become life threatening as well. SU affect around 4 million people every year, forty thousand undergoes surgery because of intensified pain and around six thousand people dies in United States of American only per annum (A). Figure (1): Depicting Gastric and Duodenal ulcer It believes that SU is principally caused by bacterial epidemic, i.e. H. Pylori infection, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and due to unknown reasons (B). Since, SU is reported to be life threatening diseases, if remain uncured. Therefore, studies concerning the timely diagnose; cure and causes behind ulcer are the demand of today. The intention of this research is to analyse causes of ulcer, its symptoms, diagnose and experimental  processes in case studies of SU. Symtoms of Stomach Ulcer Listed below are the most common symptoms of SU. 1. Loss of appetite 2. Frequent stomach burning 3. Loss of weight 4. Vague stomach pain, and 5. Bloody vomitting If one is suffering from any of the named symptoms, he/she must undergo proper medica l checks for early prognosis of SU. Early diagnoses of SU are pivotal because usually  SU affects the surrounding nerves, resulted in intensified pain and anemia. Further, it may cause bleeding, hemorrhages, and obstruction if GIT due to bulging of the affected area. Causes of Stomach Ulcer The fiction of tangy diets, worrying, stress, etc. as a potential factor behind SU proved counterfeit in 1982, when two doctors Barry Marshall and Robin Warren presented their Nobel Prize discovery. They uncovered Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori) are the cause behind Ulcer. It is believed that nearly all ulcers are advanced due to H. Pylori, remaining are caused by NSAIDS (such as aspirin, and ibuprofen), and other reasons. However, NSAIDs causes an ulcer once in a moon but almost all

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